

So you’ve decided you want to hire ARP to shoot your senior portrait session – what next? There are several options from which you can select.

#1 – $750

A senior session split into 2 sessions — you get 4 hrs for your session split into 2 sessions, such as summer and fall, on-location and later in the studio, on-location and later in the gym. This will give you options for different seasons, different hairstyles, and more time in front of the camera! You will have endless wardrobe and location changes within this time frame. Please contact me for options.

Included is–

– your location and wardrobe consult (via phone, text,or messenger)

-proof book once the sessions are complete and edited

-80-120+ images in your online gallery in which to order print images if desired — the online gallery is downloadable and ready to self print, a thumb drive will be provided for additional cost if desired.

#2 – $550

2-3 hour senior session, completed in one afternoon/evening. You will have endless wardrobe and location changes within this time frame. I’m happy to help with suggestions.

Included is–

-your location and wardrobe consult (via phone, text,or messenger)

-proof book once the session is completely edited

-50-80+ images in your online gallery in which to order print images if desired — the online gallery is downloadable and ready to self print, a thumb drive will be provided for addition cost if desired.

#3 – $350

A 1 hour senior session, completed in one afternoon/evening. You will have endless wardrobe and location changes within this time frame. I’m happy to help with suggestions.

Included is–

– your location and wardrobe consult (via phone, text,or messenger)

-proof book once the session completely edited

-30-45 images in your online gallery in which to order print images if desired — the online gallery is downloadable and ready to self print, a thumb drive will be provided for additional cost if desired.

Almota Roses Photography

Serving Eastern WA & Beyond